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Leo's Bike Collection

Submitted by dciadmin... on

The collection of Leo Moors (Zepperen, Belgium) is behond words.
To share in the passion and knowledge of Leo was a real pleasure, a privilege.
The photo's apply to the vintage part of the collection but also more modern bikes of
wellknown cyclists are present.

Belgium museum Leo Moors Classic race bikes
DCI visits Leo Moors


Belgium museum Leo Moors Classic race bikes
Leo Moors Bike Collection


Belgium museum Leo Moors Vintage racing bikes
Leo Moors Bike Collection


Belgium museum Leo Moors Retro race bicycles
Allways interesting to share knowledge and passion.
Here with Kurt from Venturelli (Roeselare, Belgium)


Belgium museum Leo Moors Vintage race bikes
The track tandem  of .... in .....


Belgium museum Leo Moors Retro steel bikes
Stayer bikes


Belgium museum Leo Moors Retro koersfietsen
Titan bike


Belgium museum Leo Moors Vintage racefietsen
The heigth and the course of the cables


Belgium museum Leo Moors vintage stalen koersfietsen
Salvation ....


Belgium Museum Leo Moors Bike Collection Belgium